As the popular messaging app Telegram keeps up with the various laws and regulations imposed on it by regulatory authorities, the platform announced this week a set of important updates that include new business-oriented features, in addition to other improvements related to video chat and the ability to send gifts to users. According to the website phone arena, these updates come amid increasing pressure on the platform to provide user data, such as phone numbers and IP addresses, to the competent authorities, as Telegram continues to make concessions in order to comply with the various laws imposed by regulators.
New Telegram Feature
After being pressured to provide customers’ phone numbers and IP addresses to authorities, Telegram announced this week that it will now allow businesses to verify their customers’ phone numbers.
The latest update also includes a new feature for sending Telegram Star gifts, as well as a completely new user interface for video calls on iOS.
Additionally, Telegram now offers support for RTMP live streaming on Android, and an improved reporting interface.
Returning to Telegram’s new verification platform, the company announced that any business, app, or website can now send verification codes via Telegram and pay for the service using the “Fragment” platform.
According to Telegram, these codes are faster, cheaper, more secure, and more convenient than SMS or other alternatives. When you interact with a business via Telegram, you may receive a message containing a verification code within a private chat in the app.
Improve gift service
In addition to the business verification platform, Telegram has added a new feature that allows users to send gifts to each other through the Telegram Stars feature.
After receiving a gift, the user can immediately view it in a new Gifts tab in the profile, with the option to remove it and exchange it for other stars that can be spent elsewhere, including sending more gifts.
As for the video call UI update, Telegram confirmed that it has redesigned calls on iOS to improve performance and battery life.
Telegram noted that long calls will no longer cause iPhones to overheat, even with multiple participants in the call.
Finally, major improvements have been added to the reporting interface, with the list of options for each category being further expanded. In addition, the list of reporting reasons is dynamically updated from the server, allowing the most relevant reasons to be suggested in real time.